
Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Handphone Dilemma

I need new phone. Phone lama dah tahap kronik. Kalau call or text tak sampai berapa minit dah ter-off sendiri. Serious - tak tipu. Phone lama boleh masuk category campak laut atau lebih afdal nampak hanjing gila tepi jalan boleh je baling buat self protection.

HTC Desire? Samsung Galaxy S2? Blackberry Torch? iPhone 4? Dasat tak wish list I? Insert semua phone dasat-dasat belaka mahal tahap: anak adun atau anak menteri menang undi je mampu beli.

Mengakala itu, haruslah berangan dulu talipon mana yang patut dibeli (memang saja tempah maut pilih nak yang best aje tapi budget nan ado) Bila dah habis berangan, barulah terjah Low Yat Plaza bagi upacara mencampakkan duit membeli talipon. Gitula kaedahnya..

Monday, 26 September 2011

Dark Chocolate

Sesi melantak jajan di dalam kereta berjaya dilaksanakan kurang dari 5 minit. Habis 1 papan ceklat ni tak sempat simpan buat bekalan di hari tua. Sungguh tamak haloba.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Operasi terjah Ikea

Kecintaan terhadap kerjaya yang melampau kerana hari ini task terbaru dari En Boss adalah membuat laporan serta sesi survey di Ikea, gedung perabot kesukaan ramai.


1- Cari display unit (shelf dan kabinet)
2- Color pilihan: white, red and black

Custom made furniture are much more expensive but the best thing about custom furniture is that, you can choose the material, design and style according to your concept. Untuk lebih penjimatan seperti I yang cost-conscious ini, Ikea adalah salah satu jalan penyelesaian. You will find a great selection of furniture and decoration with affordable price from Ikea. Mari survey, mari-mari...

Untuk menjimatkan budget, sila cari perabot yang gah di mata tapi harga di tahap - 'owh, cukup duit ni kalau nak beli' sambil check dalam purse duit ada berapa hengget.

Tolong check perabot itu muat atau tidak untuk dimasukkan ke dalam kedai. Kalau beli sebab cantik tapi tak muat masuk kedai apa kejadahnya gatal nak beli jugak. Bila tak muat, En Boss akan cakap - 'Has, kau junjung je lah perabot tu atas kepala kau'. Dammit

Buat gallery macam rumah sendiri. Jemput duduk sila rasa sofa empuk ke tidak. Hagak-hagak tak cukup empuk, boleh je hempuk sofa tu kat dinding sambil cakap kat Ikea Sales Associate - 'I don't like it. Not fluffy enough' - sedangkan dalam hati kau menyumpah-nyumpah empuk sungguh sofa ituww tapi harganya lagila empuk tak terkata. Wtf

Sila ikut concept. Jangan main redah je. Kalau kedai kau kaler merah concept modern contemporary, pastu kau beli rak kaler hijau neon concept zaman purba kala, nescaya memang kau berpotensi di berentikan kerja serta-merta.

Buat calculation and measure apa yang patut. Tolong pakai measuring tape, bukan pembaris kontot yang dipakai sewaktu zaman sekolah dulu-dulu.

Cik trainee "terlampau"

What a coincident. Al-kisah I met 1 of my ex-instructor from MAS haritu. Macam tak percaya jejak kasih berlangsung di dalam tandas perempuan disulami dengan bau-bauan harum tak terperi di dalam tandas tersebut.

To Puan A, I wanted to let you know that I had so much fun in your class and I love your bubbly personality. You put loads of effort into making the course interesting, worthwhile, and entertaining. If you read this, sila imbas kembali zaman ke-gonjengan saya ketika menuntut ilmu bersama anda sewaktu bertugas di Sistem Penerbagan Malaysia dahulu kala.

Perkara wajib bila ber'tapa ilmu bersama Puan A a.k.a Mak tiri:
+ Selalu kena baca announcement betul-betul. Tempah nahas dari mak tiri kalau kau baca maha lembab, terkial-kial macam siput sedut.
+ Pronunciation salah je, maka makan azab la kau dengan beliau.
+ Kuku harus kontot. Jangan nak berangan diva berfrench nails atau kuku siap corak belang rimau bagai.
+ Make-up perlu berkilo-kilo. Dapat student macam I, malas "terlampau" macam harammm nak pakai lipstick, nescaya memang mintak kena maki (I yang suka bagi alasan mengong) - 'Puan A, bibir I tebal la, nescaya pakai lipstick nampak benor buroknye'- Ada ke dia kesahhh bibir kau tebal macam nigger? Ada?? Ada??

p/s: Puan A, you really made my day :)

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Why I heart my job so much Part 2

Yes it's me again to update the 2nd part of the story why I 'heart' my job so much. This entry will explain what is our next action to be taken to open a retail shop.

Opening up a clothing store has become a huge trend in the world of business. Setting up a retail clothing business is much like any other businesses, it must undergo extensive planning, preparation, and self motivation for the business to grow in success.

Keeping a positive mindset is very helpful and experience plays a role in this line of business or any kind of business. Experience is important too but by doing some research at least we are ready to face the subsequent in the future and will allow us to learn from trial and error.

+ First of all, find the right place and make sure do some research about the mall. Start-up costs can be high, especially if the space to rent is in a prime location - checked

+ Discuss with the management about rental, payment methods, mall terms and conditions, size of the space/shop and etc - done

+ Estimate overall costs and financial resources and to note down all the expenses - done

+ To hire a contractor to construct the display unit and to make customizations to fit the specific needs to the shop - done

+ To purchase furniture and small decoration to make the interior of the shop attractive, fun and easy to grab more attention of customer - done

+ To choose the right fabric and design. Get 3 - 4 quotations from wholesaler and to discuss the costs and additional fees - done

Trust me you really don’t have to become a specialist just to start a retail clothing business. All you need to do is to do some research about what’s happening in the word of fashion clothing. Please do ask around, you’ll be surprised on the amount of knowledge that these urban people have about clothes.

This is the reasons why I 'heart' my job so much:
+ It's different every day and it provides me with the opportunity to be creative and to try new things
+ To meet new people
+ Work on projects given by En Boss
+ Continually stretch myself in doing things I'm not always comfortable doing - so it is still remains challenging :)


Friday, 23 September 2011

Why I 'heart' my job so much Part 1


I had a wonderful job before. I had flexibility, an understanding boss, and salary yang agak boleh tahan best. I loved my job and I'm not going to lie.

Cakap pasal duit - Yes, money can buy you things, nice things - tipu, kalau kau kerja macam nak rak and dapat duit lebih extravaganza lepas tu cakap tak suka. Heh! Tak bersyukur langsung.

However, the cliche is true – money cannot buy you happiness, and having it doesn’t mean that you are a successful person - tipu jugak kalau kau boleh shopping sakan beli baju macam beli ikan kembung kat pasar but bila kau balik rumah kau rasa macam loser sebab kerja yang kau buat tu almost kerja yang sama and end up rasa bosan ya amat, hanya tuhan je yang tau kebosanan yang kau alami.

The most drastic issue yang membuatkan absolutely has ini berhenti kerja sebab 1 of the directors in the company assigned me to do a job which is not under my scope and yang lagi best that job is not in the agreement. This guy sangatlah annoying plus with his attitude yang suka janji macam-macam dan akhirnya janji beliau seperi tanam tebu di tepi bibir. So I quit.


Few weeks setelah bosan buat the same routine almost every day: tengok tv-makan-tidur, I decided to join a flea market selling clothes with my friend. Why we join this kind of market to promote our stuff? This is my answer. A flea market is 1 of the best places in the world to see how people respond to your stuff. We've seen hundreds of people go on to use this as a platform to do what they really want to do. After several time, we got a better sense of how to build our business and we are very fortunate because, being at the flea market, we face to face with the customers and what they liked, who they were, and also they told us what they would like to buy.

funny tee's is my world now. woot woot !!

Here I am from penjual tegar di flea market and now planning to open our 1st store setelah mendapat good feedback from our loyal customer yang memang suka tahap meroyan bila dapat tahu we are doing a set up for our shop soon yang akan beroperasi di sekitar kawasan wangsa maju. Excited yang tak dapat dibendung sambil hidung kembang kuncup - sila jangan bayangkan - burok rupanya okeh.

Pasal tu la kitaorang beria-ria macam nak rak join flea market just to experience seronok ke berniaga sebab customer memang banyak songeh and sangat la suka merequest benda-benda yang tak boleh blah dan contoh adalah seperti berikut:

'Eh kenapa tshirt you takde kaler kelabu asap'? - harus ke kau mintak kaler sebegitu wahai Cik Markonah???

'Ala....(sambil buat muka manja) I nak tshirt gambar flamingo, tak nak la gambar binatang ni..tak comel la' - kenapa gambar flamingo jugak yang kau carik, kenapa tak cari gambar singa laut atau tapir jerr???

'Has next time buat tshirt ni besar sikit eh, tak muatla nak masuk badan i' - iyee...nanti you pun jangan lupa balik rumah terus diet yea sebab kalau I buat tshirt size XXXX L tapi still you tak muat tak guna jugak kan.

Dan soalan paling tinggi rankingnya adalah:

Suka la baju-baju ni. Ni beli 3 ni bagi la discount. I 1st customer you untuk hari ni kan? Lagipun tengah bulan la, so duit tak berapa nak ade' - 1st customer untuk hari ini yea?? Kalau dah datang beli pukul 5 petang dah sah-sah la kau tu customer yang ke 89 orang. Harus ke di discountkan tshirt-tshirt itu semata-mata beli 3 helai tapi kalau shopping sakan kat Pavilion, tangan kau laju je rembat 5, 6 helai baju yang sah-sah tak boleh mintak discount sambil bayar kat counter buat muka tiada sesalan tanpa memikirkan cukup ke duit untuk hujung bulan nak bayar yuran kelas menjahit langsir, tupper wear yang sudah di order melalui web sesawang serta gas dapur yang harus diganti hanya cukup untuk goreng telur sebijik. Hadooooooiiiiii..boleh kena demam malaria aku macam ni tau.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Hari hebat sedunia

PAPAN KENYATAAN: This blog is reserved only when something great or something spectacular or something awesome or something-something..dey berapa banyak something daa...happens in my life.

Kejadian something great to something spectacular to something awesome or something-something adalah seperti berikut-

Situasi 1:
Terlebih jakun bila dapat tengok Family Guy especially scene Peter Griffin ajuk crew JACKASS naik trolley dekat atas bumbung rumah and ready to make all the pure nonsense crap moves. Seriously wehh until now I dont understand apakah ke jadahnya lawak or action gampang macam haramm yang cuba di sampaikan sepenuhnya oleh rancangan JACKASS ini. Tidak sama sekali sesueii untuk jiwa I yang lemah gemalai ini okeh.

Situasi 2:
Awesome sungguh bila buat laundry tapi cuaca mendung bukan hujan kain tak berapa nak kering so tak payah nak lipat baju yang hagak banyak masih tersidai cantik di ampayan kain. Yeahh kita abaikan kain-kain itu sebab sejak 2 menjak ni selalu sungguh cuaca mendung bukan hujan...ah hah nampak sangat kau ni malas betol nak buat kerja rumah - apa kata tahun depan je kau lipat jemuran itu - itu pun belum tentu kain-kain kau tu masih tersidai cantik dan masih berada di ampayan rumah.

Situasi 3:
Bila rasa diri terlalu hebat malas nak buat apa-apa sampai tak boleh nak describe hebat yang macam mana sebab since pagi tadi sampai la sekarang ni tak mandi-mandi lagi. Hebat bukan? Selain dapat menjimatkan air, tenaga elektrik pun turut terjimat sama sekali sebab lampu toilet tak berpetik. Hebat-hebat..

Situasi 4:
Bila dah rasa terlebih jakun dapat tengok Peter Griffin buat aksi gampang, rasa awesome kain dijemuran tak kering jadi tak perlu lipat kain, rasa maha hebat sebab tak mandi 1 hari tapi yang tak boleh blah punya hebat tiada tandingan bila hari hujan je astro tak boleh nak tengok....Ohoiii..macam vavi va loca betollah stesen swasta ni. Iklan gempak semuanya beyond expectation. Everything also beyond even the monthly bills also the price is very the beyond but when it comes to hujan tak kisah la hujan renyai atau maha ribut nescaya siaran pun macam ribut jugak.

sila ambil iktibar kalau remote control berderet-deret gah bersusun di tepi sofa tapi macam hampeh tak dapat tengok astro pun tak guna jugak..

abah kau punya beyond. takde yang beyond pun. macam @#%vwln*!!@#&dytwkqbc
layan makan muruku lagi bagus la dari layan kau beyond...

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Sila basuh atau rendam diri dalam bathtub sambil gosok daki pakai bleach kalau ego tinggi bertingkat tingkat!

Most guys have too much pride to say they are sorry and most of them can't admit they are wrong.

Apakah??? Harus ke lelaki berperangai sedemikian?

Ala 2 simple words je pun - i'm sorry - but still bagi kau it is the hardest to say - kan?
Tinggi tidak terperi sungguh ego mu wahai lelaki itu. I always believed apology can be done in so many ways and it is the most humbling experience a human can go through.

Bak kata iklan di tv mahupun dicorong radio - anda mampu mengubahnya (tag line itu untuk iklan kesedaran keselamatan di jalan raya - tapi kalau iklan untuk kesedaran ego tinggi tahap melambung ada tak?)

Entri ini khas untuk lelaki itu (bukan lagu lelaki ini atau lagu kain pelikat lalalala nyanyian anuar zain - ada paham?)

Drama Queen

abell: go away puhlizz. am not in the mood right now

abell: i need my beauty sleep..zzzzzzz

My Question: Harus ke saya hempuk si gomok ini dengan bantal agar beliau sedar diri perlu melakukan senaman biar badan sentiasa langsing bukan tembam bagai dipam pam. Biadap sungguh kucing ini. Hmph

Monday, 19 September 2011

Owh My Smurfs!!! La la la la la......(yeah...sing along peeps)

Rock out with The Smurfs 3D Trailer

The most cutest, friendliest, and ABSOLUTELY BLUE (not absolutely has) from head to toe cartoon characters in history. We went to watch it last saturday at GSC Mid Valley. During the film, we wore 3D glasses (owh...what a huge one!) The story is simple. The wicked Garbage Smell Gargamel and his beloved assistant @ pet Azrael the cat has been searching for the Smurfs hidden mushroom village. 

He plans to collect their sweat, tears and hair from every Smurf in order to harness their power. During the blue moon festival, Papa Smurf sees a disturbing vision - one that shows Clumsy and the rest of his beloved Smurfs in the hands of Gargamel. Gargamel discovers the whereabouts of their village. Now the Smurfs must escape.

6 Smurfs - Papa Smurf (wiser little old man), Clumsy (the most kelam kabut one), Grouchy (si kenit yang fussy and grumpy), Gusty (brave and daring or in other words bajet diva), Brainy (the smart one of coz - dah nama pun brainy) and the one and only rose among the thorns  - Miss Smurfette (blond but intelligent) - escape through a portal that is only open during a blue moon. They have no idea that the portal leads to the great city of New York.

Ok the story ends up below average. To me it's pretty dull. The Smurf isn't smurfing awesome and everyone knows the Smurfs sing all day and also that their song is repetitive. The 3D effect gave me a really bad headache and my sight was unfocused - blurry 1 minute, fine the next. What the Smurf. I smurfed with the wrong movie I guess :(


La la la-la la la,
Sing a happy song.
La la la-la la la,
Smurf your whole day long.


La la la-la la la

[Papa Smurf speaks]

Smurf along with me!


La la la-la la la

[Papa Smurf speaks]

Simple as can be.

Next time you're feeling blue just let a smile begin,
Happy things will come to you...

[The Sexy Smurfette speaks]

So smurf yourself a grin!

[The Wicked Gargamel speaks]

Oooooo I hate Smurfs!

[Azrael The Cat meows]

[The Wicked Gargamel speaks]

I'll get you, I'll get all of you if it's the last thing I ever do! hehehehe!
La la la-la la la,
Now you know the tune,

My Question: Do Smurfs Fart???????????

Absolutely Me!

Hewow people! I am ABSOLUTELY HAS. I'm a cat lover.Obviously that is not a cat but it's a tiger sculpture ('s a tiger bukan biskot tiger -aumm) It was taken at the famous Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC) It is a art museum in the heart of Bangkok. This is located in such a convenient place, right next door to the famous MBK Mall.

me and biskot tiger. isn't he adorable???

miss absolutely jakun bajet tau jalan but the thing is map pun belum habis khatam lagi

mood ketat disitu sebab tak dapat beli mainan. haih..
Al kisah this is the 1st time I went to Bangkok for business trip. It was a pleasure not pressure yea walaupun trip ini trip 'sendiri mau ingat - ini trip keje yea has bukan trip suka hati kau nak berjalan sakan'. Sambil kerja sambil mengulat (harap maklum yang mengulat itu saya - bukan En Boss) Flight makan masa almost 2 hours from KLIA to Bangkok International Suvarnabumi Airport. From there we took Airport Rail Link and straight away to Ratchaprarop Station. From the train station saya dan En Boss hanya berjalan kaki sambil tenung map lama-lama-tengok sini-tengok sana dan berjaya memboloskan diri di depan pintu Hotel Budacco.  

It was a pleasant suprise to check-in into Budacco. This the 1st boutique hotel I ever been comes with so well trained staffs - yes they are so lemah gemalai segala, polite and very helpful. A welcome drink was served while checking in, and we had our bags carried up to our rooms.

My room was absolutely fun okeh. It was Oriental Room dinding kaler pink disediakan katil dan tilam yang mega empuk boleh melelapkan mata 3 hari 3 malam berturut-turut tanpa rasa nak bangun buat apa apa. Shower gel and shampoo was provided but no toothpaste but it is alright, absolutely jakun ini boleh pegi beli dengan berjalan kaki tanpa rasa was was ke kedai 7 11 yang selang beberapa blok dari Hotel Budacco (ada alasan untuk mengulat dengan memberitahu En. Boss bahawasanya bilik air saya tidak ada ubat gigi. Bernas bukan alasan ituwww???

For kaki shopping this is the right place for you. The hotel is located at the end of a shop alley and most of the major malls are within 10 minutes walk. Walking distance to Indra Square and Platinum Mall, maka tiada alasan lagi untuk tidak bershopping sakan yea kawan kawan :)

this menatang is tuk tuk. mari belajar merempit naik tuk tuk bersama saya. ayuh!

Untuk acara makan-makan (saya suka acara ini...) Small cafe on the ground floor. Cafe is just beside the reception area which is just near the lift. Breakfast fare is simple with rice, noodles, chicken sausages, eggs, tomatoes, salad, local fruits, and cornflakes cereals, toast and jam plus juice with coffee and tea. But please remember yea we are not in Malaysia so takkan jumpa hidangan ikut sedap tekak seperti nasi lemak, roti telur or cekodok jagung bagai.

Nota: Saya wartawan tidak berbayar akan membuat liputan yang seterusnya yang bakal bersiaran ke udara di entri akan datang. Ayuh kita kembali ke bilik berita.